StashAway’s ETF Fund Investment Selection

14 September 2023

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Overview of StashAway Portfolios

General Investing and Goal-based Investing Portfolios

General Investing powered by BlackRock® Portfolios

Income Investing powered by J.P. Morgan Asset Management portfolio

Responsible Investing Portfolios

Singapore Investing

StashAway Simple™

StashAway Simple™ Plus

Thematic Portfolio

  • Technology Enablers
  • Future of Consumer Tech
  • Healthcare Innovation
  • Environment and Cleantech

Flexible Portfolios

Investing your hard-earned money can be intimidating, especially with the overwhelming number of options available in the market. At StashAway, we understand the challenges you face when choosing the right investment, which is why we've created an intelligent digital wealth management platform that makes informed investment decisions based on macroeconomic data instead of market fluctuations. To ensure that our clients receive the best possible returns, we invest in a carefully curated selection of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) that are tailored to meet different investment objectives. Our platform offers a smart and sophisticated investment strategy that is designed to help you build your nest egg with confidence.

These are the assets in which we invest for our General Investing and Goal-based Investing portfolios

The below ETFs are currently included in our investment universe. Those marked with an asterisks (*) are funds that our portfolios are currently not invested in, but may be included within the next reoptimisation. You can learn about our asset allocation framework.

Learn about our General Investing by StashAway Portfolio.

ETF NameAsset ClassTickerFund ManagerInceptionExpense Ratio
The Industrial Select Sector SPDR® FundUS Equities - IndustrialsXLI USSPDR19980.08%
The Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR® FundUS Equities - Consumer StaplesXLP USSPDR19980.13%
Health Care Select Sector SPDR FundUS Equities - HealthcareXLV USSPDR19980.10%
Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR FundUS Equities - Consumer DiscretionaryXLY USSPDR19980.10%
Invesco Aerospace & Defense ETFUS Equities - Aerospace & DefensePPA USInvesco20050.57%
The Energy Select Sector SPDR® FundUS Equities - EnergyXLE USSPDR19980.13%
The Technology Select Sector SPDR® FundUS Equities - TechnologyXLK USSPDR19980.13%
iShares Core S&P 500 ETFUS Equities - S&P 500IVV USiShares20000.03%
Invesco S&P 500® Equal Weight ETFUS Equities - S&P 500 Equal WeightRSP USInvesco20030.20%
SPDR Portfolio Emerging Markets ETFGlobal Equities - Emerging MarketsSPEM USSPDR20070.11%
iShares MSCI India ETFGlobal Equities - IndiaINDA USiShares20120.62%
iShares MSCI ACWI UCITS ETFGlobal Equities - International MarketISAC LNiShares20110.20%
Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETFGlobal Equities -  Ex-US Large-capVEU USVanguard20070.07%
JPMorgan BetaBuilders Japan ETFGlobal Equities - JapanBBJP USJPMorgan20180.19%
iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETFGovernment Bonds - Emerging MarketsEMB USiShares20070.39%
iShares Global Govt Bond UCITS ETFGovernment Bonds - G7 Local CurrencyIGLO LNiShares20090.20%
iShares $ TIPS UCITS ETFGovernment Bonds - US Inflation-linkedIDTP LNiShares20060.10%
SPDR® FTSE International Government Inflation-Protected Bond ETFGovernment Bonds - Ex-US Inflation-linkedWIP USSPDR20080.50%
iShares USD High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETFCorporate Bonds - Global High YieldIHYU LNiShares20110.50%
iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETFCorporate Bonds - Developed Market High YieldHYLD LNiShares20120.50%
iShares Core Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETFAggregate Bonds - Global Investment-grade Local CurrencyAGGG LNiShares20170.10%
Vanguard Total International Bond ETFAggregate Bonds - Ex-US Investment-grade USD-hedgedBNDX USVanguard20130.09%
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETFCash Equivalents - US 0-3M Treasury BillsBB3M LNJP Morgan20210.07%
SPDR Gold SharesCommodities - Precious Metals (Gold)GLD USSPDR20040.40%

These are the assets in which we invest for our General Investing powered by BlackRock® portfolios

The below ETFs are included in our investment universe. Those marked with an asterisks (*) are funds that our portfolios are currently not invested in, but may be included within the next reoptimisation.

Learn more about our BlackRock®-powered portfolios.

NameTickerAsset ClassInceptionExpense Ratio
iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETFCSPX LNUS Equities - S&P50020100.07%
iShares MSCI USA UCITS ETFCSUS LNUS Equities - Large Cap20100.33%
iShares S&P 500 IT Sector UCITS ETFIUIT LNUS Equities - Information Technology20150.15%
iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETFEDMU SWUS Equities - ESG Enhanced20190.07%
iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETFSASU LN US Equities - ESG Screened20180.07%
iShares Edge S&P 500 Min. Vol. UCITS ETFSPMV LNUS Equities - Low Volatility20120.20%
iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETFIUMO LNUS Equities - Price Momentum20160.20%
iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETFIUQA LNUS Equities - Quality20160.20%
iShares Core MSCI Pacific ex Japan UCITS ETFCPXJ LNGlobal Equities - Asia ex-Japan20100.20%
iShares Core MSCI Japan IMI UCITS ETFIJPA LNGlobal Equities - Japan20090.15%
iShares MSCI Japan USD Hedged UCITS ETFIJPD LNGlobal Equities - Japan hedged20130.64%
iShares Core FTSE 100 UCITS USD Hedged ETFISFD LNGlobal Equities - UK20170.20%
iShares MSCI Canada UCITS ETFCCAU LNGlobal Equities - Canada20100.48%
iShares Core MSCI EMU UCITS ETF USDCEUU NAGlobal Equities - Eurozone20190.15%
iShares MSCI ACWI UCITS ETFISAC LNGlobal Equities - International Market20110.20%
iShares MSCI China UCITS ETFICHN NAGlobal Equities - China20190.40%
iShares MSCI EM ex-China UCITS ETFEXCH NAGlobal Equities - Emerging Markets ex-China20210.18%
iShares $ Treasury Bond 3-7yr UCITS ETF (Acc)CBU7 LNGovernment Bonds - US 3-7Y Treasuries20090.07%
iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETFIDTL LNGovernment Bonds - US 20Y+ Treasuries20150.07%
iShares $ Treasury Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETFIDTM LNGovernment Bonds - US 7-10Y Treasuries20060.07%
iShares J.P. Morgan $ EM Bond UCITS ETFIEMB LNGovernment Bonds - Emerging Markets USD20080.45%
iShares US MBS UCITS ETF USD (Dist)IMBS LNGovernment Bonds - Mortgage-backed Securities20160.28%
iShares $ TIPS UCITS ETFIDTP LNGovernment Bonds - US Inflation-linked20060.10%
iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-1yr UCITS ETFIBTU LNGovernment Bonds - US Govt Bonds20190.07%
iShares $ TIPS 0-5 UCITS ETFTIP5 LNGovernment Bonds - US Short Duration Inflation-linked20170.10%
iShares US Aggregate Bond UCITS ETFIUAG LNAggregate Bonds - US Investment-grade USD20110.25%
iShares J.P. Morgan $ EM Corp Bond UCITS ETFEMCR LNCorporate Bonds - Emerging Markets USD20120.50%
iShares $ High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETFIHYU LNCorporate Bonds - Global High Yield USD20110.50%
iShares $ Corp Bond Interest Rate Hedged UCITS ETFLQDH LNCorporate Bonds - Global Investment-grade Interest Rate Hedged USD20130.25%
iShares $ Floating Rate Bond UCITS ETFFLOT LNCorporate Bonds - Global Floating Rate USD20170.10%
iShares Physical Gold ETCIGLN LNCommodities - Precious Metals (Gold)20110.12%

These are the assets in which we invest for our Income Investing portfolio

The below ETFs are included in our investment universe. Those marked with an asterisks (*) are funds that our portfolios are currently not invested in, but may be included within the next reoptimisation.

ETF NameAsset ClassFund ManagerInception
JPM Income FundDiversified Fixed IncomeJPMorgan2014
JPM Global Bond Opportunities FundDiversified Fixed IncomeJPMorgan2013
JPM Global Corporate Bond Fund*Corporate BondsJPMorgan2009
JPM Global High Yield Bond FundCorporate BondsJPMorgan2000
JPM Global Government Bond Fund*Government BondsJPMorgan2009
JPM US Aggregate Bond FundUS Aggregate BondsJPMorgan2000
JPM Emerging Markets Debt FundEmerging Markets DebtJPMorgan1997

These are the assets in which we invest for our Responsible Investing Portfolio

Learn about our Responsible Investing Portfolio.

ETF NameTickerAsset ClassFund ManagerInceptionExpense Ratio
iShares MSCI KLD 400 Social ETFDSI USEquity Sectors (US)iShares20060.25%
Health Care Select Sector SPDR FundXLV USUS Equities - HealthcareSPDR19980.10%
Invesco S&P 500® Equal Weight ETFRSP USUS Equities - S&P 500 Equal WeightInvesco20030.20%
Technology Select Sector SPDRXLK USEquity Sectors (US)SPDR19980.12%
Lyxor MSCI Future Mobility ESGMOBI LNInternational EquitiesAmundi20200.45%
Xtrackers MSCI AC World ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1CXMAW SWGlobal EquitiesXtrackers20140.25%
JPMorgan BetaBuilders Japan ETFBBJP USInternational EquitiesJPMorgan20180.19%
iShares Inc iShares ESG Aware EMESGE USInternational EquitiesiShares20160.25%
iShares MSCI India ETFINDA USGlobal Equities - IndiaiShares20120.62%
iShares $ TIPS UCITS ETFIDTP LNGovernment BondsiShares20060.10%
iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETFEMB USGovernment Bonds - Emerging MarketsiShares20070.39%
SPDR® FTSE International Government Inflation-Protected Bond ETFWIP USGovernment Bonds - Ex-US Inflation-linkedSPDR20080.50%
iShares Global Govt Bond UCITS ETFIGLO LNGovernment Bonds - G7 Local CurrencyiShares20090.20%
Vanguard Total International Bond ETFBNDX USAggregate Bonds - Ex-US Investment-grade USD-hedgedVanguard20130.09%
iShares Global Green Bond ETFBGRN USCorporate BondsiShares20180.20%
iShares USD High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETFIHYU LNCorporate Bonds - Global High Yield USDiShares20110.50%
iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETFHYLD LNCorporate Bonds - Developed Market High YieldiShares20120.50%
BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETFBB3M LNCash EquivalentsBetaBuilders20210.07%
SPDR Gold SharesGLD USCommodities - Precious Metals (Gold)SPDR20040.40%

These are the assets in which we invest for our Singapore Investing Portfolio

Learn more about our Singapore Investing Portfolio.

ETF NameAsset ClassTickerFund ManagerInceptionExpense Ratio
ABF Singapore Bond Index FundSingapore Govt BondSBIF SPNikkoAM20050.26%
Nikko AM SGD Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETFSingapore Investment Grade Corp BondNIKIGCB SPNikkoAM20180.30%
iShares Barclays USD Asia High Yield Bond Index ETFAsia ex-Japan Corp Bond AggregateQL3 SPiShares20110.50%
NikkoAM Straits Times Index ETFSingapore Large-CapDBSSTI SPNikkoAM20090.30%
Lion-Phillip S-REIT ETFS REITsSREITS SPLionGlobal20170.50%
Phillip SGD Money Market ETFPhillip SGD Money Market ETFSGDPMMS SPPhillip Capital Management20200.40%

These are the assets in which we invest for StashAway Simpleᵀᴹ

Learn about StashAway Simple™.

Mutual Fund NameTickerFund ManagerInceptionExpense Ratio
LionGlobal SGD Money Market Fund SGD Class AOCBSGDM SPLionGlobal19990.29%
LionGlobal SGD Enhanced Liquidity Fund SGD Class I AccLNWELIA SPLionGlobal20180.29%

These are the assets in which we invest for StashAway Simpleᵀᴹ Plus

Learn about StashAway Simple™ Plus.

Mutual Fund NameTickerFund ManagerInceptionExpense Ratio
LionGlobal SGD Enhanced Liquidity Fund SGD Class I AccLNWELIA SPLionGlobal20180.29%
Nikko AM Shenton Short Term Bond Fund SGD ClassDBSENHI SPNikkoAM20000.40%
LionGlobal Short Duration Bond Fund SGD Class I AccLGSDIAS SPLionGlobal20140.31%

These are the assets in which we invest for our Thematic Portfolios

Learn about our Thematic Portfolios.

Technology Enablers

ETF NameAsset ClassTickerFund ManagerInceptionExpense Ratio
VanEck Vectors SemiconductorSemiconductorsSMH USVanEck20110.35%
First Trust Cloud ComputingCloud ComputingSKYY USFirst Trust20110.60%
Global X Robotics & Artificial IntelligenceRoboticsBOTZ USGlobal X20160.68%
iShares Expanded Tech-Software Sector ETFSoftwareIGV USiShares20010.41%
First Trust NASDAQ Cybersecurity ETFCybersecurityCIBR USFirst Trust20150.59%
Xtrackers Artificial Intelligence & Big Data UCITS ETFArtificial IntelligenceXAIX SWXtrackers20190.35%
Invesco CoinShares Global Blockchain UCITS ETFBlockchainBCHN LNInvesco20190.65%
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETFFixed IncomeBB3M LNJP Morgan20210.07%

Future of Consumer Tech

ETF NameAsset ClassTickerFund ManagerInceptionExpense Ratio
Global X FinTech ETFFintechFINX USGlobal X20160.68%
VanEck Vectors Video Gaming and eSportsGaming and eSportsESPO USVanEck20180.55%
First Trust Dow Jones Internet Index FundInternetFDN USFirst Trust20060.51%
Xtrackers Future Mobility UCITS ETFFuture mobilityXMOV SWXtrackers20190.35%
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETFFixed IncomeBB3M LNJP Morgan20210.07%

Healthcare Innovation

ETF NameAsset ClassTickerFund ManagerInceptionExpense Ratio
iShares U.S. Medical Devices ETFMedical DevicesIHI USiShares20060.41%
iShares Biotechnology ETFBiotechnologyIBB USiShares20010.45%
VanEck Vectors PharmaceuticalPharmaceuticalsPPH USVanEck20110.35%
SPDR® S&P® Biotech ETFBiotechnologyXBI USState Street20060.35%
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETFFixed IncomeBB3M LNJP Morgan20210.07%

Environment and Cleantech

ETF NameAsset ClassTickerFund ManagerInceptionExpense Ratio
iShares Global Clean Energy ETFClean EnergyICLN USiShares20080.42%
First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge ETFEnergy Storage and Smart GridsGRID USFirst Trust20070.60%
First Trust Water ETFClean WaterFIW USFirst Trust20070.54%
Global X Uranium ETFUraniumURA USGlobal X20110.69%
Xtrackers Future Mobility UCITS ETFFuture mobilityXMOV SWXtrackers20190.35%
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETFFixed IncomeBB3M LNJP Morgan20210.07%

Why Consider StashAway’s ETF Fund Selection

At StashAway, we take a data-driven and disciplined approach to ETF fund selection to help our clients achieve their investment goals. Our portfolios are designed to provide broad diversification across asset classes and geographies, while also taking into account factors such as risk tolerance, investment horizon, and market conditions. We believe that ETFs offer several advantages over traditional mutual funds, including lower fees, greater transparency, and flexibility in trading. With our carefully curated selection of ETFs, we aim to provide our clients with access to a wide range of investment opportunities that can help them build long-term wealth. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting out, we invite you to consider StashAway's ETF fund selection as part of your investment strategy.

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