StashAway’s ETF Fund Investment Selection
Overview of StashAway Portfolios
General Investing and Goal-based Investing Portfolios
General Investing powered by BlackRock® Portfolios
Income Investing powered by J.P. Morgan Asset Management portfolio
Responsible Investing Portfolios
- Technology Enablers
- Future of Consumer Tech
- Healthcare Innovation
- Environment and Cleantech
Investing your hard-earned money can be intimidating, especially with the overwhelming number of options available in the market. At StashAway, we understand the challenges you face when choosing the right investment, which is why we've created an intelligent digital wealth management platform that makes informed investment decisions based on macroeconomic data instead of market fluctuations. To ensure that our clients receive the best possible returns, we invest in a carefully curated selection of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) that are tailored to meet different investment objectives. Our platform offers a smart and sophisticated investment strategy that is designed to help you build your nest egg with confidence.
These are the assets in which we invest for our General Investing and Goal-based Investing portfolios
The below ETFs are currently included in our investment universe. Those marked with an asterisks (*) are funds that our portfolios are currently not invested in, but may be included within the next reoptimisation. You can learn about our asset allocation framework.
Learn about our General Investing by StashAway Portfolio.
ETF Name | Asset Class | Ticker | Fund Manager | Inception | Expense Ratio |
The Industrial Select Sector SPDR® Fund | US Equities - Industrials | XLI US | SPDR | 1998 | 0.08% |
The Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR® Fund | US Equities - Consumer Staples | XLP US | SPDR | 1998 | 0.13% |
Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund | US Equities - Healthcare | XLV US | SPDR | 1998 | 0.10% |
Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR Fund | US Equities - Consumer Discretionary | XLY US | SPDR | 1998 | 0.10% |
Invesco Aerospace & Defense ETF | US Equities - Aerospace & Defense | PPA US | Invesco | 2005 | 0.57% |
The Energy Select Sector SPDR® Fund | US Equities - Energy | XLE US | SPDR | 1998 | 0.13% |
The Technology Select Sector SPDR® Fund | US Equities - Technology | XLK US | SPDR | 1998 | 0.13% |
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF | US Equities - S&P 500 | IVV US | iShares | 2000 | 0.03% |
Invesco S&P 500® Equal Weight ETF | US Equities - S&P 500 Equal Weight | RSP US | Invesco | 2003 | 0.20% |
SPDR Portfolio Emerging Markets ETF | Global Equities - Emerging Markets | SPEM US | SPDR | 2007 | 0.11% |
iShares MSCI India ETF | Global Equities - India | INDA US | iShares | 2012 | 0.62% |
iShares MSCI ACWI UCITS ETF | Global Equities - International Market | ISAC LN | iShares | 2011 | 0.20% |
Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETF | Global Equities - Ex-US Large-cap | VEU US | Vanguard | 2007 | 0.07% |
JPMorgan BetaBuilders Japan ETF | Global Equities - Japan | BBJP US | JPMorgan | 2018 | 0.19% |
iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF | Government Bonds - Emerging Markets | EMB US | iShares | 2007 | 0.39% |
iShares Global Govt Bond UCITS ETF | Government Bonds - G7 Local Currency | IGLO LN | iShares | 2009 | 0.20% |
iShares $ TIPS UCITS ETF | Government Bonds - US Inflation-linked | IDTP LN | iShares | 2006 | 0.10% |
SPDR® FTSE International Government Inflation-Protected Bond ETF | Government Bonds - Ex-US Inflation-linked | WIP US | SPDR | 2008 | 0.50% |
iShares USD High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF | Corporate Bonds - Global High Yield | IHYU LN | iShares | 2011 | 0.50% |
iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF | Corporate Bonds - Developed Market High Yield | HYLD LN | iShares | 2012 | 0.50% |
iShares Core Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF | Aggregate Bonds - Global Investment-grade Local Currency | AGGG LN | iShares | 2017 | 0.10% |
Vanguard Total International Bond ETF | Aggregate Bonds - Ex-US Investment-grade USD-hedged | BNDX US | Vanguard | 2013 | 0.09% |
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETF | Cash Equivalents - US 0-3M Treasury Bills | BB3M LN | JP Morgan | 2021 | 0.07% |
SPDR Gold Shares | Commodities - Precious Metals (Gold) | GLD US | SPDR | 2004 | 0.40% |
These are the assets in which we invest for our General Investing powered by BlackRock® portfolios
The below ETFs are included in our investment universe. Those marked with an asterisks (*) are funds that our portfolios are currently not invested in, but may be included within the next reoptimisation.
Learn more about our BlackRock®-powered portfolios.
Name | Ticker | Asset Class | Inception | Expense Ratio |
iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF | CSPX LN | US Equities - S&P500 | 2010 | 0.07% |
iShares MSCI USA UCITS ETF | CSUS LN | US Equities - Large Cap | 2010 | 0.33% |
iShares S&P 500 IT Sector UCITS ETF | IUIT LN | US Equities - Information Technology | 2015 | 0.15% |
iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF | EDMU SW | US Equities - ESG Enhanced | 2019 | 0.07% |
iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF | SASU LN | US Equities - ESG Screened | 2018 | 0.07% |
iShares Edge S&P 500 Min. Vol. UCITS ETF | SPMV LN | US Equities - Low Volatility | 2012 | 0.20% |
iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF | IUMO LN | US Equities - Price Momentum | 2016 | 0.20% |
iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF | IUQA LN | US Equities - Quality | 2016 | 0.20% |
iShares Core MSCI Pacific ex Japan UCITS ETF | CPXJ LN | Global Equities - Asia ex-Japan | 2010 | 0.20% |
iShares Core MSCI Japan IMI UCITS ETF | IJPA LN | Global Equities - Japan | 2009 | 0.15% |
iShares MSCI Japan USD Hedged UCITS ETF | IJPD LN | Global Equities - Japan hedged | 2013 | 0.64% |
iShares Core FTSE 100 UCITS USD Hedged ETF | ISFD LN | Global Equities - UK | 2017 | 0.20% |
iShares MSCI Canada UCITS ETF | CCAU LN | Global Equities - Canada | 2010 | 0.48% |
iShares Core MSCI EMU UCITS ETF USD | CEUU NA | Global Equities - Eurozone | 2019 | 0.15% |
iShares MSCI ACWI UCITS ETF | ISAC LN | Global Equities - International Market | 2011 | 0.20% |
iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF | ICHN NA | Global Equities - China | 2019 | 0.40% |
iShares MSCI EM ex-China UCITS ETF | EXCH NA | Global Equities - Emerging Markets ex-China | 2021 | 0.18% |
iShares $ Treasury Bond 3-7yr UCITS ETF (Acc) | CBU7 LN | Government Bonds - US 3-7Y Treasuries | 2009 | 0.07% |
iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF | IDTL LN | Government Bonds - US 20Y+ Treasuries | 2015 | 0.07% |
iShares $ Treasury Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETF | IDTM LN | Government Bonds - US 7-10Y Treasuries | 2006 | 0.07% |
iShares J.P. Morgan $ EM Bond UCITS ETF | IEMB LN | Government Bonds - Emerging Markets USD | 2008 | 0.45% |
iShares US MBS UCITS ETF USD (Dist) | IMBS LN | Government Bonds - Mortgage-backed Securities | 2016 | 0.28% |
iShares $ TIPS UCITS ETF | IDTP LN | Government Bonds - US Inflation-linked | 2006 | 0.10% |
iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-1yr UCITS ETF | IBTU LN | Government Bonds - US Govt Bonds | 2019 | 0.07% |
iShares $ TIPS 0-5 UCITS ETF | TIP5 LN | Government Bonds - US Short Duration Inflation-linked | 2017 | 0.10% |
iShares US Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF | IUAG LN | Aggregate Bonds - US Investment-grade USD | 2011 | 0.25% |
iShares J.P. Morgan $ EM Corp Bond UCITS ETF | EMCR LN | Corporate Bonds - Emerging Markets USD | 2012 | 0.50% |
iShares $ High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF | IHYU LN | Corporate Bonds - Global High Yield USD | 2011 | 0.50% |
iShares $ Corp Bond Interest Rate Hedged UCITS ETF | LQDH LN | Corporate Bonds - Global Investment-grade Interest Rate Hedged USD | 2013 | 0.25% |
iShares $ Floating Rate Bond UCITS ETF | FLOT LN | Corporate Bonds - Global Floating Rate USD | 2017 | 0.10% |
iShares Physical Gold ETC | IGLN LN | Commodities - Precious Metals (Gold) | 2011 | 0.12% |
These are the assets in which we invest for our Income Investing portfolio
The below ETFs are included in our investment universe. Those marked with an asterisks (*) are funds that our portfolios are currently not invested in, but may be included within the next reoptimisation.
ETF Name | Asset Class | Fund Manager | Inception |
JPM Income Fund | Diversified Fixed Income | JPMorgan | 2014 |
JPM Global Bond Opportunities Fund | Diversified Fixed Income | JPMorgan | 2013 |
JPM Global Corporate Bond Fund* | Corporate Bonds | JPMorgan | 2009 |
JPM Global High Yield Bond Fund | Corporate Bonds | JPMorgan | 2000 |
JPM Global Government Bond Fund* | Government Bonds | JPMorgan | 2009 |
JPM US Aggregate Bond Fund | US Aggregate Bonds | JPMorgan | 2000 |
JPM Emerging Markets Debt Fund | Emerging Markets Debt | JPMorgan | 1997 |
These are the assets in which we invest for our Responsible Investing Portfolio
Learn about our Responsible Investing Portfolio.
ETF Name | Ticker | Asset Class | Fund Manager | Inception | Expense Ratio |
iShares MSCI KLD 400 Social ETF | DSI US | Equity Sectors (US) | iShares | 2006 | 0.25% |
Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund | XLV US | US Equities - Healthcare | SPDR | 1998 | 0.10% |
Invesco S&P 500® Equal Weight ETF | RSP US | US Equities - S&P 500 Equal Weight | Invesco | 2003 | 0.20% |
Technology Select Sector SPDR | XLK US | Equity Sectors (US) | SPDR | 1998 | 0.12% |
Lyxor MSCI Future Mobility ESG | MOBI LN | International Equities | Amundi | 2020 | 0.45% |
Xtrackers MSCI AC World ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C | XMAW SW | Global Equities | Xtrackers | 2014 | 0.25% |
JPMorgan BetaBuilders Japan ETF | BBJP US | International Equities | JPMorgan | 2018 | 0.19% |
iShares Inc iShares ESG Aware EM | ESGE US | International Equities | iShares | 2016 | 0.25% |
iShares MSCI India ETF | INDA US | Global Equities - India | iShares | 2012 | 0.62% |
iShares $ TIPS UCITS ETF | IDTP LN | Government Bonds | iShares | 2006 | 0.10% |
iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF | EMB US | Government Bonds - Emerging Markets | iShares | 2007 | 0.39% |
SPDR® FTSE International Government Inflation-Protected Bond ETF | WIP US | Government Bonds - Ex-US Inflation-linked | SPDR | 2008 | 0.50% |
iShares Global Govt Bond UCITS ETF | IGLO LN | Government Bonds - G7 Local Currency | iShares | 2009 | 0.20% |
Vanguard Total International Bond ETF | BNDX US | Aggregate Bonds - Ex-US Investment-grade USD-hedged | Vanguard | 2013 | 0.09% |
iShares Global Green Bond ETF | BGRN US | Corporate Bonds | iShares | 2018 | 0.20% |
iShares USD High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF | IHYU LN | Corporate Bonds - Global High Yield USD | iShares | 2011 | 0.50% |
iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF | HYLD LN | Corporate Bonds - Developed Market High Yield | iShares | 2012 | 0.50% |
BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETF | BB3M LN | Cash Equivalents | BetaBuilders | 2021 | 0.07% |
SPDR Gold Shares | GLD US | Commodities - Precious Metals (Gold) | SPDR | 2004 | 0.40% |
These are the assets in which we invest for our Singapore Investing Portfolio
Learn more about our Singapore Investing Portfolio.
ETF Name | Asset Class | Ticker | Fund Manager | Inception | Expense Ratio |
ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund | Singapore Govt Bond | SBIF SP | NikkoAM | 2005 | 0.26% |
Nikko AM SGD Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF | Singapore Investment Grade Corp Bond | NIKIGCB SP | NikkoAM | 2018 | 0.30% |
iShares Barclays USD Asia High Yield Bond Index ETF | Asia ex-Japan Corp Bond Aggregate | QL3 SP | iShares | 2011 | 0.50% |
NikkoAM Straits Times Index ETF | Singapore Large-Cap | DBSSTI SP | NikkoAM | 2009 | 0.30% |
Lion-Phillip S-REIT ETF | S REITs | SREITS SP | LionGlobal | 2017 | 0.50% |
Phillip SGD Money Market ETF | Phillip SGD Money Market ETF | SGDPMMS SP | Phillip Capital Management | 2020 | 0.40% |
These are the assets in which we invest for StashAway Simpleᵀᴹ
Learn about StashAway Simple™.
Mutual Fund Name | Ticker | Fund Manager | Inception | Expense Ratio |
LionGlobal SGD Money Market Fund SGD Class A | OCBSGDM SP | LionGlobal | 1999 | 0.29% |
LionGlobal SGD Enhanced Liquidity Fund SGD Class I Acc | LNWELIA SP | LionGlobal | 2018 | 0.29% |
These are the assets in which we invest for StashAway Simpleᵀᴹ Plus
Learn about StashAway Simple™ Plus.
Mutual Fund Name | Ticker | Fund Manager | Inception | Expense Ratio |
LionGlobal SGD Enhanced Liquidity Fund SGD Class I Acc | LNWELIA SP | LionGlobal | 2018 | 0.29% |
Nikko AM Shenton Short Term Bond Fund SGD Class | DBSENHI SP | NikkoAM | 2000 | 0.40% |
LionGlobal Short Duration Bond Fund SGD Class I Acc | LGSDIAS SP | LionGlobal | 2014 | 0.31% |
These are the assets in which we invest for our Thematic Portfolios
Learn about our Thematic Portfolios.
Technology Enablers
ETF Name | Asset Class | Ticker | Fund Manager | Inception | Expense Ratio |
VanEck Vectors Semiconductor | Semiconductors | SMH US | VanEck | 2011 | 0.35% |
First Trust Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing | SKYY US | First Trust | 2011 | 0.60% |
Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | BOTZ US | Global X | 2016 | 0.68% |
iShares Expanded Tech-Software Sector ETF | Software | IGV US | iShares | 2001 | 0.41% |
First Trust NASDAQ Cybersecurity ETF | Cybersecurity | CIBR US | First Trust | 2015 | 0.59% |
Xtrackers Artificial Intelligence & Big Data UCITS ETF | Artificial Intelligence | XAIX SW | Xtrackers | 2019 | 0.35% |
Invesco CoinShares Global Blockchain UCITS ETF | Blockchain | BCHN LN | Invesco | 2019 | 0.65% |
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETF | Fixed Income | BB3M LN | JP Morgan | 2021 | 0.07% |
Future of Consumer Tech
ETF Name | Asset Class | Ticker | Fund Manager | Inception | Expense Ratio |
Global X FinTech ETF | Fintech | FINX US | Global X | 2016 | 0.68% |
VanEck Vectors Video Gaming and eSports | Gaming and eSports | ESPO US | VanEck | 2018 | 0.55% |
First Trust Dow Jones Internet Index Fund | Internet | FDN US | First Trust | 2006 | 0.51% |
Xtrackers Future Mobility UCITS ETF | Future mobility | XMOV SW | Xtrackers | 2019 | 0.35% |
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETF | Fixed Income | BB3M LN | JP Morgan | 2021 | 0.07% |
Healthcare Innovation
ETF Name | Asset Class | Ticker | Fund Manager | Inception | Expense Ratio |
iShares U.S. Medical Devices ETF | Medical Devices | IHI US | iShares | 2006 | 0.41% |
iShares Biotechnology ETF | Biotechnology | IBB US | iShares | 2001 | 0.45% |
VanEck Vectors Pharmaceutical | Pharmaceuticals | PPH US | VanEck | 2011 | 0.35% |
SPDR® S&P® Biotech ETF | Biotechnology | XBI US | State Street | 2006 | 0.35% |
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETF | Fixed Income | BB3M LN | JP Morgan | 2021 | 0.07% |
Environment and Cleantech
ETF Name | Asset Class | Ticker | Fund Manager | Inception | Expense Ratio |
iShares Global Clean Energy ETF | Clean Energy | ICLN US | iShares | 2008 | 0.42% |
First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge ETF | Energy Storage and Smart Grids | GRID US | First Trust | 2007 | 0.60% |
First Trust Water ETF | Clean Water | FIW US | First Trust | 2007 | 0.54% |
Global X Uranium ETF | Uranium | URA US | Global X | 2011 | 0.69% |
Xtrackers Future Mobility UCITS ETF | Future mobility | XMOV SW | Xtrackers | 2019 | 0.35% |
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - BetaBuilders US Treasury Bond 0-3 Months UCITS ETF | Fixed Income | BB3M LN | JP Morgan | 2021 | 0.07% |
Why Consider StashAway’s ETF Fund Selection
At StashAway, we take a data-driven and disciplined approach to ETF fund selection to help our clients achieve their investment goals. Our portfolios are designed to provide broad diversification across asset classes and geographies, while also taking into account factors such as risk tolerance, investment horizon, and market conditions. We believe that ETFs offer several advantages over traditional mutual funds, including lower fees, greater transparency, and flexibility in trading. With our carefully curated selection of ETFs, we aim to provide our clients with access to a wide range of investment opportunities that can help them build long-term wealth. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting out, we invite you to consider StashAway's ETF fund selection as part of your investment strategy.