You Can Now Set Up Portfolios on Our Mobile App

15 January 2018

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Last week, we launched the full version of our mobile investing app.

Up until now, our clients were only able to use the app as a portfolio viewer. Now, clients on the app can edit their investment plans, add more portfolios to their accounts, and update their settings. Non-clients also made out well with this update. Now, they can sign up, set up their accounts, and start investing on any mobile device.

Launching a mobile app in which users can sign up and start investing without waiting to get to a computer has been a top priority of ours, as we have built every corner of the company to integrate investing into people's lives as naturally and easily possible. It's no secret that today's consumers expect convenience. And with this app, we've delivered that in investing, making this the first full onboarding process on a robo-advisor's mobile app in Southeast Asia.

Here's what you can expect on the app:

Sign Up, Set Up Account, and Go Through Financial Planning Assessment

StashAway app
StashAway app
StashAway app

Once you download the app, you can go through the entire signup and account setup process on your mobile device. No more filling out paperwork, visiting a storefront, or even opening a computer, because all of that just takes too long.

Create Investment Portfolios

StashAway app
StashAway app
StashAway app

Once your account is set up, we'll help you build personalised portfolios that make the most sense for you. You can have as many 'goals' (portfolios with a particular objective) as you'd like. Maybe you want one retirement fund, two child's education funds, and a general investing portfolio. Or, maybe you want to go all in on that dream of yours to start your own business. We'll create a portfolio and investing plan that reflects your personal timeline for each goal, your risk preference for each particular goal, and how much you can reasonably put towards your investments on a regular basis. You're never locked into the portfolios you initially create; that means you can change your settings and deposit plans just by logging into your account and making the changes you want.

View Investments, and Update Both Portfolio and Account Settings

StashAway app
StashAway app
StashAway app

Is your account now set up? And your portfolio is confirmed? That wasn't so hard, was it? Now, you don't have to do a thing if you don't want to. We'll manage your portfolios based on the settings you determined for each one. You can check in whenever you want to see how things are going, and update your settings. Every once in awhile, macroeconomic data come in and indicate that there is a better portfolio allocation of assets. In that case, we'll update your portfolio composition automatically, if you give us permission. Or, we'll alert you that we need your permission each time. Whatever you want. We're just here to make investing what you want it to be.

Download Android App

Download iOS App

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