SRI 36% Portfolio Performance
Portfolio Strategy: Very Aggressive
This portfolio is considered very aggressive. At this risk level, you’re looking for a portfolio that maximises growth, with a heavy skew towards equities. The potential for greater returns here comes with a higher level of volatility.
At an SRI level of 36%, there’s a 99% chance that this portfolio will not lose more than 36% of its value in any given year.
Historical performance details
Commentary for H1
Following a brief pullback in April – the result of concerns over stronger-than-expected economic data and the prospect of stickier inflation – equities continued to see further gains in the latter part of H1 as those concerns subsided. Mega-cap US technology companies in particular remained a key driver behind the rally. Our investment framework ERAA®'s allocations to the tech sector and broad US equities contributed to our portfolios’ solid gains over that period, which have higher exposure to equities.
Beyond the US, ERAA®'s overweight positioning to India following our re-optimisation in late April contributed to our portfolios’ relative gains. That also came despite a brief bout of volatility during the country’s national election in early June – during which we advocated staying invested.
ERAA®'s overweight allocations to gold supported our portfolios’ performance in H1. This was driven by a combination of factors, including demand due to geopolitical tensions and global central banks’ purchases.
For a deep dive into the details, here’s our full commentary.
Portfolio asset allocation