StashAway Simple™
What is StashAway Simple™?
How does my Simple earn returns?
Is StashAway Simple risky?
How is StashAway Simple different from a fixed deposit account?
How is StashAway Simple™ different from other cash management solutions in the market?
Why shouldn't I invest in StashAway Simple funds myself instead of having StashAway invest on my behalf?
Does StashAway make money from StashAway Simple™ and its funds?
How much does StashAway Simple™ cost?
Does my money in StashAway Simple get counted in my investment portfolio fees?
Can I only invest in StashAway Simple?
Do I need to invest with StashAway to have StashAway Simple?
Could the Simple projected rate ever change?
Can StashAway Simple be re-optimised?
Can I have multiple StashAway Simple portfolios?
How is StashAway Simple™ Projected Rate Calculated?
How is StashAway Simple™ different from Simple Plus and Simple Guaranteed?
How do I deposit funds into my StashAway Simple portfolio?
How long does the StashAway Simple deposit and withdrawal process take?
Can I open a Simple portfolio with a Corporate account?
What are StashAway Simple’s past returns?
Will the returns of Simple always match the projected rate?
Is Simple covered by SDIC (Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation)?