Flexible Portfolios
What are the Flexible Portfolio templates?
What is a Risk-focused template and what does it comprise of?
What is Passive Income template and what does it comprise of?
What is World Index Tracking template and what does it comprise of?
Can I invest my SRS with Flexible Portfolios?
Will my templates be rebalanced?
Can I have multiple template portfolios?
Will my templates get reoptimised?
What’s the difference between rebalancing and re-optimisation?
How does StashAway choose ETFs for each asset class?
Why can’t I remove cash from my Flexible Portfolio?
What are the fees involved in creating a Flexible Portfolio?
Can I get dividend payouts with any of the Flexible Portfolios?
Is there a minimum investment to get dividend payouts from Flexible Portfolios?
How are dividend payouts calculated for my Flexible Portfolios?
How does StashAway manage my Flexible Portfolio?
Will StashAway re-optimise my Flexible Portfolio?
Will the underlying ETFs under the asset classes always remain the same?
How many Flexible Portfolios can I create?
What is the minimum allocation per asset class within a Flexible Portfolio?
What’s the minimum amount required to invest in a Flexible Portfolio?
Can I convert an existing portfolio to a Flexible Portfolio?
How is the Risk Level calculated for Flexible Portfolios?
What are Flexible Portfolios?
Can I edit my Flexible Portfolio after I’ve created and funded it?
How does StashAway rebalance my Flexible Portfolio?