Income Investing powered by
J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Earn up to 5.4%* p.a. yield + tax savings with Income Investing

* This figure is calculated based on the 4.6% p.a. portfolio yield as of 30 November 2024, plus the management fee rebate of up to 0.8% p.a.  Please refer to the full terms and conditions on

Use your SRS funds to lower taxes and maximise retirement savings.

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Earn up to 5.4%* p.a. yield + tax savings with Income Investing
Earn up to 5.4%* p.a. yield + tax savings with Income Investing

Apply voucher SRSINCOME and maximise your returns!

Plan your retirement and reduce your taxable income with SRS. Invest your SRS with Income Investing for maximum growth potential.

It’s simple! Apply the voucher SRSINCOME and start depositing into your Income Investing portfolio with SRS. Enjoy up to 0.8% p.a. in quarterly fee rebates on deposits made before 31 January 2025. The rebate is valid until 31 December 2025.

Earn on any amount—there's no cap on the deposit amount.

Terms and Conditions -  

Apply voucher SRSINCOME and maximise your returns!

Calculate exactly how much you can save


Max. contribution is $15,300 SGD

Total tax savings
$1,760 SGD
You could save 28.3% on your tax bill
Without SRS
Taxable income
$105,000 SGD
Payable tax
$6,225 SGD
With SRS
Taxable income
$89,700 SGD
Payable tax
$4,466 SGD

Unlock Your Consistent Income Stream

Income Investing by StashAway lets you secure your financial future with reliable income on your own terms.

Income Investing in a nutshell

  • Low-risk fixed income portfolio 
  • Automatically reinvest dividends
  • Low fees and 100% trailer fee rebates
  • No chasing of rates, no lock-in periods
  • No foreign exchange exposure risk 


Income Investing in a nutshell

Low risk, reliable returns

The risk level for Income Investing powered by J.P. Morgan Asset Management is Conservative. Its fixed income asset allocation is aimed at both capital preservation and regular dividend payments via a fixed income strategy. 

  • Investment-grade credit quality
  • No more than 30% exposure to a single fund within the portfolio
  • Low expected volatility range of 3-7% over the long-term
Low risk, reliable returns

Income Investing Product Facts

Portfolio yield¹
5.1%¹ p.a.

Historical payout
4.3%² p.a.

Annualised performance
3.2%³ p.a.

StashAway management fees
0.2% - 0.8% p.a. 

Risk level

Portfolio currency

¹ The portfolio yield is calculated as the yield to maturity (YTM) of the underlying portfolio, adjusted for the USD/SGD hedging cost, fund-level fees, and rebates. The latest annualised yield is as of 31 Dec 2024 and may change depending on market conditions. Yields are not a guarantee of returns. Positive yield does not imply positive return. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
² The historical payout is as of 31 Dec 2024. The historical payout shows the annualised monthly income payout generated by the distribution share class of the underlying funds in this portfolio. Note that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. The figure displayed is net of fund level fees and all rebates.
³ Performance shows returns since inception on 15 July 2024. Returns in SGD terms after fund-level fees but before rebates and StashAway management fee. The latest return is as of 31 Dec 2024. Annualised returns are calculated by extrapolating current performance since inception over a full year (365 days). Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Income Investing Product Facts

Automatically Reinvest Dividends

  • Automated reinvesting: Let your money work for you by automatically reinvesting dividends.
  • Stress-free optimisation: We leverage J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s fixed income expertise to automatically maximise your yield.
  • Change your mind at any time: Start receiving payouts whenever you want to.

We’ve made it easy for you to invest

Create Income Investing Portfolio
Create your Income Investing portfolio in the StashAway app.
Select from your SRS account when creating the portfolio
Estimate the investment amount needed to achieve your desired payout amount.
Fund your investment
Deposit funds into your Income Investing portfolio.
Monitor your performance
Easily keep track of your portfolio’s performance in the app.

Reliable Income Investing powered by
J.P. Morgan Asset Management

J.P. Morgan Asset Management is one of the world's leading investment managers, with over a century of experience. They leverage their deep expertise in fixed income to provide the market insights and asset allocation guidance that StashAway uses to build your income-focused portfolio.


How do I know if Income Investing is the right choice for me?

Income Investing powered by J.P. Morgan Asset Management is the fixed income portfolio designed for you if…
  • You're seeking a reliable source of passive income to supplement your retirement, cover living expenses, or achieve other financial goals.
  • You value peace of mind and prefer a low-risk fixed income investment approach that still gives you the flexibility of customisable payout options.
  • You are concerned about market volatility and want a reliable, stable investment portfolio designed to generate consistent passive income over the long term.
  • You want a straightforward, professionally managed investing solution for passive income, providing transparency and clarity in fees and investment strategies.

Earn up to 5.4%* p.a. yield + tax savings with Income Investing

* This figure is calculated based on the 4.6% p.a. portfolio yield as of 30 November 2024, plus the management fee rebate of up to 0.8% p.a. Please refer to the full terms and conditions on

Onboarding is available with

By creating an account, you agree to the Platform Agreement

Download our mobile app

Earn up to 5.4%* p.a. yield + tax savings with Income Investing
Earn up to 5.4%* p.a. yield + tax savings with Income Investing

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Sign up or log into your StashAway account.
  2. Create your Income Investing portfolio in the StashAway app.
  3. Estimate the investment amount needed to achieve your desired payout amount.
  4. Deposit funds into your Income Investing portfolio.
  5. Easily keep track of your portfolio’s performance in the app.

No, you can transfer any amount to start your portfolio. During the set-up process, our income calculator will help you to determine the right principal amount to achieve your income targets. 

Since the minimum amount for a single payout from your Income Investing portfolio is $20 SGD, payout options will be limited if this payout amount is not covered by your principal.

Income Investing usually extends over many years to provide steady, long-term income. The exact investment horizon for an income portfolio generally depends on the investor's age, financial goals, risk tolerance, and income needs. 

The Risk Level for Income Investing is Conservative. The portfolio aims for capital preservation through investment in fixed income securities that generate regular income via dividends. It is designed for investors seeking a balance between risk and income generation, with a focus on long-term stability.

A Conservative risk level means that your portfolio has a 99% chance of not losing more than 13% of its value in any given year. In other words, there’s a 1% chance that the portfolio may lose more than 13% of its value at maximum in any given year.

The base currency of the underlying funds in this portfolio is USD. However, all the funds in this portfolio are invested in the SGD-hedged share class. The SGD-hedged share class aims to reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations between the fund's base currency and the investor's preferred currency of exposure. This means that your SGD income will remain stable, even when USD fluctuates. It also means that there is no currency conversion involved at the portfolio level. 

View more about StashAway Income Investing